List Together Press Kit
Fact Sheet
Publish Date:
March 20th, 2021
Targeted Platforms:
Pixel Pajama Studios LLC
Based in Minnesota, USA
Press Contact:
Free and Open Source
List Together is a simple, modern list app built with sharing capabilities. Completely free to use and open source.
List Together provides an easy to use interface to create and manage your lists. Clicking or tapping on items will allow users to add, strike, and delete item’s from their list. Most list actions are stored locally to be used in undo functionality.
Users can easily share their lists with friends or family via email address. The shared user must have an account already created for server to accept it as a sharable email address. Owners of a list can choose to limit the privileges they want that shared user to have.
Every list contains a history of items added and removed to be used in that list’s Auto Complete and Smart Sort features. By default, the Smart Sort option will try to sort your list into the route you take through the store. Alternatively you can save your own order for each item by sorting your list manually then using the Save Order option located in the header menu.
- Create and Manage Lists
- Add, Strike, and Delete Items
- Add Notes to Items
- Share Lists
- Auto Complete
- Undo Capabilities
- Smart Sort
- Simple oAuth Sign-up / Login
- Responsive Mobile Design
- Keyboard Accessibility
Release Trailer, Mar 21, 2021
List Together Logos

About Pixel Pajama Studios
Pixel Pajama Studios is a tiny indie game studio based in Minnesota USA. Co-Founders Derek Sonnenberg (fedellen) and Bonnie Thompson (abonbon) initially began their pixel art journey as an enjoyable hobby to share together in late May of 2018. The idea emerged to turn their art into a game soon after.
Bonnie, being a classically trained artist, was the perfect fit for Art and Animation; Derek took it upon himself in September of the same year to begin learning how to program and build a game with an engine called Stencyl. Adventures of Duck Guy prototypes were being playtested within months. The long term goal, to create beautiful Pixels in their Pajamas, obviously.
In May of 2019, daunted with the upcoming task of level design, world building, and animation, Derek switched gears; using what he had just taught himself to solely develop and release a game. Pixel Pajama Studios became Pixel Pajama Studios LLC and Astral Defense was polished for release.
Throughout the summer and fall of 2019 Pixel Pajama Studios began development of a new project together, Sonar Smash. Initially the idea was to “clone” Astral Defense in a different theme but Sonar Smash quickly evolved into it’s own game with numerous unique features.
Shortly after it’s release, Sonar Smash was featured by Apple. Several updates were put into the game including a content patch with new enemy types. Unfortunately while the downloads were soaring the game was not monetizing well enough to consider further development.
Throughout mid 2020, the team has developed several demos and prototypes. These projects included their recently released Doomridge Dungeon Demo and Asset Packs. At the end of 2020 and into early 2021, Derek dove deeper into programming and software development. In particular, he’s been learning full stack web development with TypeScript and React while developing List Together.